Government General Degree College, Singur came into existence in 2013 in the district of Hooghly of West Bengal. The campus is situated in a lush green backdrop on over 7 acres. Apart from the departments, the college also has a library which could be developed with the tireless effort of the faculties and non-teaching staff of the esteemed college which enables the college to march on the way of progress.
The library is situated on the ground floor of the college building. It is equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity and is under surveillance by CCTV Camera. The library has a collection of around 6800 books. The books are categorised into the 16 subjects that are taught in the college. The library has abroad spectrum of general and reference books to support the academic requirements of the students and faculty members.
The college is a member of N-LIST (National Library and Information services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content), the well-known e-journal consortium service under the aegis of INFLIBNET (Information and Library Network). The college also has a membership of the British Council Library. The library is fully automated. The automation of library started in the year 2019 and became fully automated in October 2022 with online integrated library management system that is provided by Techno Developers Group and maintained by the library. The group also provides the technical assistance for maintenance of the same.
The library provides open access to its users. The OPAC of the library is available online. OPAC is the online public access catalogue that depicts the online library database of resources like books, journals, newspapers, e-books, etc. The faculty and students of the college can search the catalogue of books anywhere & any time with the OPAC. All they need is to search for keywords such as –subject, title of the book, author’s name, publisher, and much more. They can explore the titles available in the library, the number of copies left in the library, and such crucial information and then visit the library to get the books. Users can access the online catalogue of books (OPAC) using the following link:
- Government General Degree College, Singur has a well-equipped library with a spacious reading room and state of the art facilities.
- It serves as the hub of academic activities for students, scholars and faculty members in the pursuit of excellence in their respective area of academics.
- The Library has a rich and growing collection of around 7000 books and journals, including some rare and priceless ones.
- Around 500 new books are added every year.
- The college has also arranged for an Institutional membership with the British Council Library, Kolkata.
- The College is a registered member of N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content), a programme funded by the MHRD under NME-ICT. This aids the college to get access to some select electronic resources, thereby helping to procure articles and books online for purposes of teaching, learning, and research.
Library Team
Library Staff

General Library Rules
- Library Lending Hours: 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm
- Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library.
- bags/personal books or journals are strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Books once issued, should not be brought inside, unless it is to be returned or reissued.
- Users should not deface, cut, mutilate or damage Library books in any form. If found guilty, user
- will be punished. Therefore, the user must ensure that they are not borrowing any such book
- else report it to the library staff.
- Newspapers and Magazines must be read only in the library on specific table and should not be taken to any other area.
- No library material can be taken out of the library without permission. Unauthorized removal of anything belonging to the library will be treated as theft and dealt accordingly.
- At the time of entry, signature in the Walk-In-Register is mandatory.Membership
- All faculty, staff, and students of the institute are entitled to become library members.
- Membership is allowed only after submitting a duly filled in and signed membership card/book.
- The members are supposed to be conversant with and agreeable to the library rules.
- A maximum of 10 (Ten) books will be issued to a faculty member for a period of Six month from the date of issue.
- A maximum of 02 (two) books will be issued to a student for a fortnight from the date of issue. Users can also renew the books again after the completion of charging period, subject to not being requested from some other user.
- The library reserves the right to recall any book at any time if necessity arises.
- The library card is not transferable, and its loss must immediately be reported to the library.
- Duplicate card will be issued on recommendation of Principal and the Head of the Department of subject concerned. Necessary fees may be charged for reissuance of the library cards.
- Any change of address/ contact no. should be intimated to the library in black and white.
- On discontinuity/cessation of services, or on completion of course, library cards to be deposited with the library to obtain 'Clearance Certificate'.
- Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of Library Membership.