• Singur, Hooghly, West Bengal, India


To impart holistic education to students, to provide them with ample learning experiences and opportunities, to guide them towards the optimum use of their knowledge and skill, and to empower them to become enlightened, empathetic and socially responsible citizens of the future by instilling in them values of integrity, inclusivity, dedication, freedom, justice, love and confidence, thereby shaping them to be brave and competent agents of positive social transformation. 


  • To promote a multicultural, multilingual and secular co-educational learning environment that is inclusive, tolerant, and supportive of the pursuit of knowledge which goes well beyond the explicitly stated demands of the syllabus.
  • To provide education that is accessible to all and inexpensive in nature, thereby constructing a democratic space fostering academic excellence.
  • To guide students towards the successful completion of their degrees and channelize them towards the pursuance of higher degrees in their selected or allied fields of study.
  • To train students for greater employability by imparting to them both the academic training and soft skills required to compete with confidence in the professional world.
  • To be sensitive towards the distinct learning requirements of both advanced and first-generation learners, providing them with all necessary support by devising innovative teaching and learning methods. 

Our Motto

To act as a bridge between the academic and the social ambit outside of it for moral, intellectual and cultural advancement of society, thereby effortlessly combining traditional values and modern aesthetics with integrity and passion as it empowers learners with its quality education.