About the Department
The Anthropology department was established in the year 2015. The department currently offers undergraduate anthropology honours/pass course and tries to impart a thorough knowledge regarding different subfields like physical or biological anthropology, social-cultural anthropology, and archaeological anthropology as stipulated in the syllabus of Burdwan University. Undergraduate anthropology course, other than enabling students to have solid theoretical knowledge also provides an perfect opportunity go to a fieldwork and testify some these theoretical propositions empirically. Teaching methods involves lectures, class-room seminars, audio-visual presentations, class-notes etc.
Student's Survey Report
Number of Faculties : 5 (Five)
Intake Capacity : 25 (Twenty-five)
Library : The Department has sufficient number of books for honours and pass students.
Laboratory : The department is equipped with different original anatomical specimens and instruments. The departmental library has a good number of books and mostly of foreign authors.
Faculty Directory

Other Activities
Three days workshop & camp on “Field survey” jointly organised by BOYS SCOUTS OF BENGAL , Department of Anthropology and Department of Sociology, Singur Government College.