About the Department
The Department of Chemistry of Government General Degree College, Singur, started functioning in 2015 and has grown into an Honours Department in 2016 under the affiliation of the University of Burdwan. Presently the intake capacity of the department is 25 Honours . The present group of teachers are fully devoted and committed to their duties and obligations. Besides teaching, they are actively engaged in research work and have published several research papers in reputed peer reviewed Journals. They work hard to improve their own performance as teachers as also to infuse their students with dynamism. The Department ensures a good deal of faculty-student interaction and academic flexibility.In modern days, Chemistry is the most germane science in research and industries all over the world. Graduates in Chemistry (Honours) find the maximum number of openings after they complete their graduation. A student graduating in Chemistry may do Masters in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Forensic Science, Genetics, Environmental Science, Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, Bio-Physics, Molecular Biology and Bio-Informatics and many other subjects where Chemistry (Honours) is the eligibility criteria for taking admission. Premier institutes like IIT, JNU, CU, IISC,BHU, DU, ISM and many other Universities in West Bengal and all over India conduct entrance examinations for their respective courses. Last but not least, students come to a teacher to quench their thirst for knowledge. Faculty members consider it their duty to meet the needs of students so that they feel no want in the path that they have taken up. The fundamental objective of the department is not only to give lectures and conduct seminars but to cater to the multifaceted development of the student’s personality and to equip them up for the future challenges.
Report of 'International Webinars' conducted by the 'Department of Chemistry, Govt. General Degree College, Singur' during the tenure of September, 2020 to February, 2021.
An initiative of the department of Chemistry, GGDC-Singur
[Softcopy of more than 200 ebooks]
Other E-Resources
- National digital library for students for all subjects, created by IIT Kharagpur, funded by Central government. Click here To View The Link
- Helpful website for Chemistry students. Click here to View The Link
- Royal Society of Chemistry. Click here To View The Link
Number of Faculties : 7 (Seven)
Intake Capacity : 25 (Twenty-five)
Faculty Directory