Internal Complaints Cell
Internal Complaints Committee(ICC) of Government General Degree College, Singur in accordance with the UGC notification ( Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulations,2015)
- Dr. Santanu Chakrabarti (Principal, GGDC Singur)
- Dr. Chaitali Chaudhuri (IQAC Co-ordinator, GGDC, Singur)
- Dr. Sharmistha Maity (Presiding Officer, ICC)
- Dr. Gargi Mukhopadhyay (Teacher Member, ICC, HOD, Department of Political Science)
- Dr. Sumana Goswami (Teacher Member, ICC, HOD, Department of Sociology)
- Subhra Lahiri (External Member)
- Basanti Tudu (Group D)
ICC takes necessary steps for gender sensitization and ensuring a safe, gender-neutral environment in the college. The process of gender sensitization, which involves spreading awareness about gender equality and removing gender disparity at every level of thought and functioning, is imperative in creating an ideal environment for any institution of higher learning. Government General Degree College, Singur follows such principle and incorporates this in its day to day working. A seminar was organized on 7th April 2022 which focused on the process of creating awareness regarding gender equality issues and modifying behaviour and views that people hold about themselves and other genders